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Image Downloads and Printing Tips

To download and save a surname origin & meaning scroll or product, simply click or tap the download link you will receive from us after ordering. If using Windows, macOS, Linux or similar, simply drag the image from the web browser onto your computer to save it. If using a smart phone or tablet device, you can save the scroll using the ‘share’ option found in the mobile web browser.

The downloads available from this website are of a high quality and can be printed at up to A4 size, which is 297 x 210 mm or 11.75 x 8.25 inches or US Letter size (11 x 8.5 inches) if ordering that size. They can even be printed and displayed beyond these sizes and they will still display the same level of quality.

If ordering a surname origin and meaning with a parchment background, the background is part of the completed surname history scroll and we recommend these are printed with a borderless or edge to edge setting if supported by your printer so no small white border (approximately 5-6mm or up to a quarter of an inch) appears once printed. However, this may be hidden underneath a picture frame rim or frame mount or surround.

If you chose a surname history scroll with a white background, this will allow your own choice of background (i.e. parchment paper) to show through the white areas.


These surname origin and meaning scrolls print well on A4 or US Letter parchment paper, or any other preferred size below or just above these sizes. When printing on a parchment paper, we recommend you print in normal or high quality with a plain paper setting.

You may want to print against your own printed background (i.e. a parchment design or other self-printed background) so this can be done using a matt photo paper (A4, US Letter, etc.). In this instance we recommend that you print at photo quality with a photo paper quality setting. Although you can use glossy or satin (semi-gloss or semi-matt) photo paper, matt normally looks better with these coat of arms images and an ancient type background.

Please note that surname history scrolls you purchase from us must be downloaded from our server and saved to your own computer or device. The products are not permanently available for download. The download link(s) provided are normally valid for download for a period of 30 days. After this, the download links may no longer work.